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Jenna brushed her hand over his hair and gave his hand a little tug. “You can’t sleep here,” she chided him. “Go rest in the spare room. We’ll talk about our next step tomorrow night.”
Bas nodded, but he didn’t rise. Glancing down as she rose, Jenna saw the heavy length of his cock clearly outlined by the supple leather of his pants. Deciding discretion was the better part of valor, she bid him a quick goodnight and slipped into Nic’s bedroom, where she curled around her lover to wait for him to wake.
Chapter Twelve
The soft sigh of warm breath over his nipple lured Nic from sleep. He kept his eyes closed and just savored the thump of her heart against his ribs, and the knowledge they’d both escaped Stone’s compound alive. Or nearly so. The more alert he became, the more he remembered about the battle.
Reaching up with his free hand, he ran curious fingers over the slightly raised flesh where the two poison stakes had been removed. He thought he might have scars, and found the idea somehow satisfying. He’d fought for his woman. It was only right that he carry these scars as badges of honor.
Jenna shifted, muttering in her sleep, and he gathered her warm body closer. He smiled just a little when he realized they were both naked. Convenient. He drew his thumb over her lush lower lip, and she sighed. Her lips grazed his chest, and Nic hardened instantly.
Sliding his arm out from under her, he gently pulled the blankets away from her body. She glowed in the dim light. He drank in the sight of her, knowing he could spend a hundred years gazing at her and never tire of it. A sudden rush of urgency, delayed adrenalin, he supposed, grabbed him. All he knew for sure was that he needed her.
Needed to taste her and touch her and reassure himself she really was safe, and his, and that they were together.
His mouth watered as he took in the small patch of curls between her thighs. Pushing up to lean over her, he gently pried her legs apart. When she only mumbled some more, Nic chuckled to himself. Breathing in the sweet, spicy aroma of her sleepy arousal, he used his thumbs to split her plump lower lips open for his mouth. Leaning in, he swept his tongue from her clit to her entrance, gathering her sweet taste on his tongue.
Rich honey, spicy and satisfying exploded on his tongue. He moaned against her, and at the vibration she lifted her hips, pushing that blooming pussy harder against his mouth.
Nic was happy to oblige, lavishing small, feathery strokes teased the center of her pleasure, then moving his tongue downward, tracing tiny circles around her weeping opening.
“God, Nico, what are you doing,” she moaned. She didn’t open her eyes, merely reached down to tangle one hand in his long hair. He thought she might still be more asleep than awake as she wiggled in his hands.
“I am tasting my woman. Memorizing how sweet you are.” He laughed as her eyes popped open, and she gasped at the sensation of his warm breath puffing over her sensitive flesh. Now his One was awake. Giving her a wicked look, he bent his head and treated her to a luxurious stroke, then speared her soaked entrance, fucking her with his tongue until her hips thrust upward, begging for a deeper penetration.
“Oh God, Nico, don’t stop,” she gasped out as he delved even deeper into her honeyed depths.
“Open your legs for me, Jenna. Let me see you all wet and hot and waiting for me.” She immediately planted her feet on the bed and moved her knees wide apart for his viewing. It rocked him, the way she was so eager to please him. Even better, she was eager to let him please her. Her insecurities had melted away, and she’d become the fierce, strong Valkyrie he’d always known she could be.
She gave a low, sighing moan and wrapped her hand more tightly in his hair, pressing him harder against her pussy. He rolled his eyes up, needing to see her face, and got lost in her glowing gaze.
She reached down with her free hand and cupped one full breast. As he watched avidly, she squeezed the heavy globe, moving her fingers to pull at her nipple. With each teasing tug, she wriggled against his mouth a little more.
“Fuck, Jenna, I’m so hard for you.” His lips wrapped around her clitoris and sucked it deeply.
“Nico!” Her voice was a frantic cry, and she arched sharply into the caress.
“Does it feel good, baby?” he purred against her labia, blowing hot breath over her straining pussy. “Tell me, do you like it as much as I do when I eat you like this?” His tongue slid from her clit to her ass, rimming the small rosette.
She writhed against him, frantic moans ripping from her throat.
Nic pulled back a little. “You must answer me, Beloved. I shall think you want me to stop if you don’t answer me.”
“No,” her voice was almost guttural with her pleasure. “Don’t you dare stop. Right there, God, it feels so good.”
That was all the encouragement Nic needed. He continued to lick the small pucker as he slid one hand up, letting one long finger tease her opening. He swirled his finger around and her tiny hole fluttered around it, gripping tight.
Ah, fuck. He plunged his teasing finger into her grasping passage. She was made for him. The way she responded to his lightest caress, her pussy clutched at him, sucking him in.
He added another probing finger, and twisted his hand. When she was jerking in his hold, he scissored them apart and brought his tongue back to her clit. She screamed, and he eased off. He didn’t want her to come just yet.
“Play with your nipples more, Jenna. I want to see you roll them between your fingers.”
He hissed as she licked both thumbs and forefingers before grasping her nipples.
They slid easily between the moistened digits.
“Pull them away from your body,” he ordered as his tongue flicked roughly over her clit. Pulling his fingers from her pussy he dragged one wet finger downward and placed it at her ass. His tongue whipped into her hole, lapping at her cream as his finger pushed into the vise grip of her ass.
She cried out, a low, ragged scream.
“Play with your clit, Beloved, and I will make you come.” His finger worked deeper into her tight back entrance, moving in circles to relax the tight barrier.
She pushed rhythmically against his touch, fucking his mouth and his finger. He needed some relief of his own, and began grinding his hips on the bed. One of her hands crept down, fingers teasing her clit.
“Oh, fuck, that’s it. Touch yourself, baby. Make yourself as crazy as you make me.” He matched the movement of his finger, which was now buried fully in her luscious ass, to the movements of her fingers on her clit.
With each dip of his tongue into her waiting sheath, he pulled out more sweet cream.
And with each dip, her hips rose, fucking his face as she moaned his name over and over.
“Nic, oh God, harder Nic…I need to come. You’re making me come.” He plunged his finger in harder, setting up a blistering rhythm, his tongue as deeply into her entrance as he could get.
She screamed, piercing the room with her cry as her muscles tightened on his hand, his tongue. She clamped down tight, clutching his thrusting finger, and flooded his mouth with her honey as the orgasm rocked her. It lasted forever, and when she finally stilled, Nic collapsed on her damp, gasping body.
Jenna hadn’t quite returned to earth when Nic pushed up on his arms, lifting so he was wedged between her trembling thighs. She squealed as he thrust unceremoniously into her still twitching pussy.
He groaned as he worked slowly in, his mouth capturing hers in a soul-searing kiss that curled her nails around his shoulders. She dug in as Nic’s head drooped, his hair like raw, damp silk over her shoulders and throat.
“Oh fuck yes, Jenna. Mark me, Beloved.” He buried his face in the curve of her neck, his breath sending shivers over the sensitive skin there. His mouth ghosted over her skin, licking at her collarbone as he worked his cock even deeper inside of her.
She could feel him holding back, waiting for her to catch up, but that’s not what she needed. She didn’t want to go slow this time. Jen
na needed him inside her where he belonged, hard and fast and furious. Needed his strength to wash over her. She let her nails rake down his silky back and shoved her hips hard against his.
“How the hell did I survive four hundred years without you, Beloved?” he grunted, hitching her thigh up high on his waist.
“Don’t know,” Jenna panted, biting at his chin, his jaw line, the pulse point in his neck as she urged him to move harder. “You might have to survive another four hundred years without me if I have a heart attack and die because you won’t fuck me harder,” she wailed as he kept his strokes slow and easy.
Finally, in frustration, she sank her teeth deeply into his chest, just below the nipple.
He jerked when she clamped down, grunting, “Fuck, Jenna,” and his arms slid under her shoulders before his cock dug deep.
God, it was perfect, it was exactly what she needed. Nic holding her, his cock pounding into her, almost bruising in its force, marking her as his.
“Bite me, Jenna. Bite me hard.” His voice was raw, as if he were holding back screams. Jenna smiled darkly and dug her small teeth in, biting him and sucking hard on his delicious skin. She marked him with her small mouth and a secret thrill shot through her as she saw a deep, purple bruise bloom on his neck. Mine, she thought.
His cock pounded her, and she loved every punishing thrust. When he butted up against her cervix, she gave a scream of pleasure and pain and convulsed around him again as his shout joined her.
It wasn’t enough. She needed to touch him. He’d never let her explore to her hearts content, and she was determined to change that right now. She set her palms on his chest and pushed. He groaned, grinding his hips into hers, sending sparks from her clit through her entire body, but she refused to be distracted.
“My turn,” she growled, shoving him up and off of her. He let her do it, but his eyes were an icy blaze warning her she was only getting her way because he let her.
When he was kneeling on the bed, Jenna smiled. “You’ve had your turn, now I need to explore what is mine.” His eyes flared even hotter at her words, and he let her push him over, so he fell onto his back. His legs fell apart, one straight and the other bent and listing to the side as Jenna knelt between them.
God, what a beautiful man. And every amazing inch of him was hers.
She ran her hands up the insides of his thighs, shivering along with him as she came to the silky skin where his thighs met his groin. Dropping to her stomach between his legs, she propped herself on her elbows and wrapped both hands around his wet, straining erection. Her fingers didn’t quite meet around his girth. Oh, damn, no wonder he filled her to the point where pain and pleasure bled together and she couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began.
She smoothed her hands over him, sliding in her own moisture. She slipped one thumb over his tip, swirling through the pre-cum weeping from the slit.
He growled, muscles hard as rock. It was more than obvious he was hanging on by a thread. His head dropped back, neck and arms corded with tension as her tongue whispered out, sampling his cum, getting buzzed from the mingling of their flavors.
His hands threaded through her hair, urging her to take him deeper. Jenna wouldn’t be rushed. She took her time, licking the entire length of him, up and down, back and forth, bathing every inch of his cock with her mouth.
“Beloved, if you don’t take me in I’m going to combust,” Nic barked harshly between clenched teeth. She took a moment to appreciate how gentle his hands were in her hair, while his arms were corded so tight with tension they literally vibrated.
Rewarding him for his restraint, Jenna leaned down a little further, licking over his tight ball sac, running her tongue over the hardened texture. She slid even further down and gave him the same dark kiss he had bestowed on her earlier.
His hips spiked upwards and he stopped forming coherent words. His guttural grunts and curses were music to her ears as she played with him, torturing his body. He twisted in her grasp, tunneling his hands deeper into her hair, dragging her tighter against his straining body.
He howled with pleasure when she finally rose and took his shaft into her mouth, swallowing as much as she could in one smooth motion. She sucked hard; her cheeks hollow as her tongue teased the nerves underneath his cockhead. He pumped quick, shallow thrusts into her mouth and Jenna relaxed her jaw to give him further access.
The slightly bitter, salty taste of his pre-cum was the sweetest of aphrodisiacs. Their combined flavors blew her mind. Jenna couldn’t get enough. She let her head drop down further, lashing her tongue over the thick veins that laced the surface of his cock. When the tip of his cock nudged the back of her throat she tightened her lips on him and swallowed again and again. His groans only spurred her on, and she reached one hand down to cup his balls, rolling them between gentle fingers, as her other hand crept under him until she was pressing lightly with her thumb at his anus.
“Enough,” Nic roared as he jerked himself out of her mouth. “Your mouth is a wicked, wicked thing, Beloved,” he growled as he slid out from under her and pressed her down, flattening her, on her belly, against the bed.
He grabbed a pillow and stuffed it under her stomach as his hands yanked up her hips. Spreading her cheeks wide, he took a moment to set his cockhead against her opening, and speared into her. One hand gripped her shoulder, the other clenched on her hip as he pounded into her body. Her incredible ass jiggled with every thrust.
Nic’s vision became hazy as he lost all sense of control.
“Mine…Mine…Mine…” he didn’t realize he was saying the word out loud. He was blind to everything but the feeling of her pussy clutching around him as he tunneled in, gripping and clinging as he pulled out.
He ate her up with his eyes, taking in the graceful line of her spine, the perfect globes of her ass, the tempting crevasse between those full cheeks.
Licking his thumb, he set it against her tightly furled asshole and began a slow push inside.
“Niiiiic,” her long, drawn out shriek was like a lightning bolt to his balls. He let go of her shoulder and ran his hand underneath her belly, finding her heated bud, distended and plump. He pulled at it, stroking it like he would his cock. She shuddered in his grasp.
“Oh, God. Fuck me, Nico, make me come.” Her voice was ragged from her screams of pleasure, and shot him higher and harder inside her.
Finally, unable to bear any distance between them at all, he slid his free hand up, across her upper body, drawing her to her knees until she was seated on his thighs, his cock spearing her onto him like a living spike of pleasure. He cupped her jaw, turning her head to the side, and leaned over her, setting his fangs against her pounding pulse.
“Yes,” she hissed. “Take all of me. Take me into you, just like you’re inside me.” Her words shattered his control, and his fangs sliced deep. His first deep draw on her throat sent her over the edge, her vaginal walls crushing his pulsating cock, catapulting him into his own orgasm. He jerked inside of her, shooting his seed into her sucking depths until she overflowed, their combined wetness sliding down until his thighs were slippery, his balls were bathed in liquid heat. And still she convulsed around him, wringing out every drop of cum until he had to lower her to the bed, collapsing over her back, shuddering in the aftermath.
* * * *
When Jenna was aware of anything, it was the pain of over-exerted muscles. She had no idea how long she’d slept, but her body was singing a song of piercing pain. She smiled a little bit without opening her eyes. She felt Nic’s possession on every inch of her body, and she loved it. Nic had her wrapped tightly in his embrace, his chest smooth and warm under her cheek. He returned her smile against the top of her head.
“My Lady is awake.” She smiled wider at the familiar rumble. He hadn’t called her that since their last shared dream, and she suddenly realized she’d missed it.
“I don’t know how after what you just did to me. I can’t move.” Nic
chuckled in her ear. “Actually, it’s what I did to you yesterday. You’ve slept an entire twenty-four hours.”
Jenna jerked her head up, meeting his eyes. “You’re kidding!” When he shook his head, an arrogant smile spreading across his beautiful face, she began to giggle. “Well, I guess we’ve discovered how many times it takes to knock me out cold.”
“I believe this time it took five. Of course we can always try for six.” Jenna smacked his chest and shook her head frantically.
“Don’t you touch me,” she told him fervently. “Everything aches, and if you don’t wait until I’ve had a very long, very hot bath, we won’t be trying for anything until I have a couple days to heal.”
Nic trapped her hand in his and kissed each fingertip.
“Beloved, you have only to breathe to make me hard. I cannot help it.” He brushed her hair away from her flushed face and added, “But I never willingly would truly hurt you, so you mustn’t allow me to push you farther than your body can go.” Scooting up, Jenna wrapped her arms around his neck, nestling her head against his shoulder. “You only hurt me in the best possible way, Nico. And once I’ve had a few hours to recover, I want you to hurt me again.”
They lay quietly, cuddling, for a while. Eventually the events of the night of the botched rescue attempt began creeping in, filling Jenna with a sense of dread.
She sighed and asked, “Have you been up yet?”
Nic kissed her brow and responded, “I’ve talked to Bas, yes. I know Aidan did not leave the compound.” He shook his head grimly. “Stupid, fucking Dragon tried to take on Stone’s army single-handedly. Bas has reason to believe he’s alive and being kept at the compound.”
Jenna’s description of her father’s pets swam through both of their minds.
Jenna’s lips trembled. She knew all too well the hell Aidan was most likely experiencing.